Children of BLUB World – Sheereen Shaikh, a class 7 student of SDMC Primary School in Delhi, at the ‘Children Creativity Workshop’ organized by SRISTI at the Rashtrapati Bhavan during the ‘Festival of Innovation 2016’ gave a unique suggestion. She recommended that the front and inside of the cover of tiffin boxes of students should be printed with the message, “WASH YOUR HANDS BEFORE YOU EAT FOOD!”
She proposed that this should be made compulsory for the manufacturers as children forget to wash their hands and due to reduced personal hygiene, suffer from stomach ailments and varied health hazards. A simple effort of reminding children can immensely help them in maintaining a good health, while also ensure that school is not missed on such medical grounds. The little girl who likes to care for people wants to become a doctor in the future.
“People who care often come up with some extraordinary ideas for the benefit of the society!”
Share your stories and creativity on BLUB World, we are a platform for every child to showcase and enhance their talents.
#ChildrenofBLUBWorld #SheereenShaikh #Delhi #PersonalHygiene #HealthHazards #WashYourHandsBeforeYouEat #TiffinBoxes #RashtrapatiBhavan #ChildrenCreativityWorkshop #SRISTI #FestivalofInnovation #SDMCPrimarySchool #PositiveNews #IndianChildInventor #IndianChildInnovator #ChildProdigy #Indiangenius #Indianchild #Parents #Children #Students #Schools #Geniuschildren #ChildrenofIndia #SchoolChildren #Talentedteenagers #Shareyourcreativity #Showcaseyourtalent #Createmoresharemore
