The Only Floating School of India!
The Loktak Lake which is located near Moirang in Manipur state of India is the largest freshwater lake and the only floating national park in the world. It is a source of livelihood for the local fishermen community from fifty-five hamlets around the lake with a population of about 100,000 people. Under the initiative undertaken by ‘All Loktak Lake Fisherman's Union’ and with the support of ‘People Resources Development Association (PRDA)’, an NGO, a school was opened 50 km from Imphal, at Langolsabi Leikai of Champu Khangpok village in Manipur. This became India's first floating elementary school. The Loktak lake school provides education to high school dropouts, children of fishermen, homeless and illiterate adults.
The honorarium of the volunteers is sanctioned by the PRDA, under the project called 'Empowering vulnerable local communities for sustainable development', which is funded by Action Aid India.
This ancient lake plays an important role in the economy of Manipur, helps in electricity generation, irrigation and drinking water supply.
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