Dhruv Shishir Kamdi, hailing from Chandrapur in Maharashtra, at just 2 years of age, started skating even before he could talk properly. At 4 years, he won a gold medal at the State Federation under-four championship in 2014. And at 5 years, entered the Guinness Book of World Records for limbo skating.
Despite minimal resources, Dhruv’s parents provided him with best professional training in Nagpur, which is a 3-hour drive from Chandrapur. He has won 23 gold, 6 silver, and 3 bronze medals in National and State level competitions so far. In January 2017 Dhruv set another record by skating non-stop for seven hours.
August 8, 2017, Dhruv’s mother passed away and since then he has been practicing hard to fulfill her dream of learning inline skating and completing a 25km marathon on inline skates.
“Sometimes someone else’s desires pave the way to glory.”
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